Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Arc Attack


This video and picture was part of one of the Vex entertainment pieces at their Team Social. The band "Arc Attack" uses Tesla Coils with a special solid state module to essentially create an amplifier through lightning bolts. When sound pumps into the Tesla coils they emit bolts according to the frequency and the amplitude of the waves. Unlike the video, there was no pole acting as a ground making the differences in dynamics very apparent. When the sounds were loud the bolts of lightning increase in size. The bolts flash fast, so the change in frequency was not noticeable. According to their website, the sound produced by the bolts produce square waves much like the older synthesizers do. When a person, like in the picture, stands and is struck by the bolts, the sound is much louder, I'm really not sure why though the bolts are much brighter and appear to have more energy than those not connected.

Sorry its late,

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