Sunday, October 5, 2008


So I was at someone’s 16th birthday party this past weekend and I was holding a water bottle in my hand when I thought of potential energy. That if I’m doing work by lifting up the bottle, where does it all go? Well it goes to potential energy. Im adding potential energy by doing work by lifting the bottle vertically. The work being h(mg) in this case. By lifting the bottle I gave it potential energy, to fall that if I drop it the amount of work coming out would be similar to the amount of work put in. The only difference would be air resistance and the like. The potential energy I put on the bottle was the change in height due to lifting multiplied by the net force being g*m. The idea of potential energy continues to make the world go round by keeping energy conserved. The work I put in to it will be changed to kenetic energy when the bottle lowers in height.

Thanks for reading, Mark

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